America Afghan War-Now becoming America Afgan and Pakistan War-Good for America or bad

War on Terror and Its Cost Which America bearing in its Tenure in Afghanistan

America a Super power of the world who thinks that there is no country that rise head before him-
How much Bearing Loss in his war of Terror a most horrible truth is going to expose in this article-America want to take over all the powers of the world just to control and grab all the resources of the world including Oil rich resources countries are on the hit list of the America and the Agenda which American Govt is using for these action is called War on Terror and motto is peaceful  world neglecting the reality that every day American Govt Killing thousands of peoples with his surgical strikes drone attacks and many other factors through which America is involved direct killing of innocents.
Now come to the point that is this war fruitful for America or its meeting American Interests for which America is struggling hard and when we see the facts and figures behind it its shocking and annoying may be you peoples did not agree with me but these are facts
(i)                  Cost of War Since 2001 which America is fighting is about $11 million which American peoples paying per hour in form of tax
(ii)                If we see only Iraq War since 2003 the statistics are more dangerous about $825000 are paying by the tax payers every hour to American Govt
(iii)               Total cost since 2001 is un measureable  and count less
Observing above figures its clearly clear that This War is not good and even dangerous for America  

Now Osama Bin Laden Have been Killed he Was Founder of Al Qaida-Bait Ullah Masood and Hakim Ullah Masood Have Also been Killed they were the Heads of TTP Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan Now its Seems to be that the upper Leadership of both Taliban Group either its relate to Afghanistan or Pakistan or not between them, but on the other hand Taliban Still not accept there defeat and there activities or much faster than ever before and they are becoming more and more strong in Afghanistan as well as Pakistan and You may say that America will also bear more losses in future if he doesn't change its policies

American President Barack Hussain Obama and Henry Clinton doesn't  make any difference from previous American leadership Now America suffering from Economy collapses and unemployment but the leadership have only focus on war on terror which is not good for America